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college student in his room Barcelona

Apps to buy and sell second hand items


With the end of the course, it is time to pack your things and leave the student residence to go home and enjoy the well-deserved holidays. The problem comes when you realize everything you have been buying throughout the course.

Analyze well which of those things you will not need more and instead of carrying them, sell them. In addition to getting extra money for your vacations, you will be contributing to a more sustainable buying and selling system and you will surely help someone to find things at a better price than if they bought them new.

There is always someone who needs what we do not use, so why not give it a new life?


  • Ideas to celebrate Sant Jordi 2021

    Ideas to celebrate Sant Jordi 2021

    23 APR 2021

    In the last article we published a few days ago, we explained the origin of the celebration of Sant Jordi's day, a day that is full of magic, friendship, and expressions of affection and love.

    Last year due to the exceptional situation we are experiencing due to the pandemic, Sant Jordi could not be celebrated as on previous occasions. This year, although we must be respectful and cautious with our activities, we will be able to go out again to admire the colorful streets that flood the city of Barcelona, ​​every April 23rd.

  • The legend of Sant Jordi

    The legend of Sant Jordi

    14 APR 2021

    As every year, today April 23rd, the day of Sant Jordi is celebrated, a super important date in Catalonia, and in other autonomous communities, in which Barcelona specifically lives in a super special way.

    The streets are filled with colors and life, since every April 23, everyone goes out for a walk through the streets of Barcelona, ​​to buy roses or books, which they will later give to their loved ones, as a token of affection and affection.

  • April: seasonal food

    April: seasonal food

    06 APR 2021

    With the arrival of April, a super special season begins and that in addition to being full of colors and aromas, marks the beginning of good weather.

    In addition to gradually enjoying a warmer climate, the days are also getting longer, and personally we love it, since the day lasts much longer if at the end of classes or work, you still have a few moments of sun. Some people prefer wintertime, but we are fans of summertime and its long sunny days.

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+34 93 595 29 39
Sardenya 326-328, Entl.2
08025 - Barcelona 

Sagrada Família Metro (L2 and L5)